Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative Analysis Analysis Help PhD Research Home

When the study is of human behaviour and the factors affecting the same, and then the research will be of a qualitative nature. The study is mostly of a philosophical, interpretive and paradigmatic nature. The information is collected, analysed and interpreted based on qualitative and sensitivity resources.

A few techniques which can be adopted while doing a qualitative study for a research work are:

Narrative research
SPSS allows to import data from files and also databases like Microsoft Access. The data needs to be in a file, in the right format for SPSS to understand

Phenomenological research
Denotes using the meaning of the various experiences that people may have had obtained through interviews. The essence and value of these experiences have to be understood using interviews

Grounded theory research
It is the way to develop a theory based on the action, interaction, views and explanations given by the participants. From the ground or field data, information is collected and theory formulated by the researcher

Ethnographic research
It is based on a culture sharing group. Shared and learned patterns of beliefs, issues and values are shared with respect to power, dominance and resistance. This forms the basis of Qualitative Analysis for the researcher

Case study method
It is where a case is used to illustrate the information, observation, documentation and material. The study of one and more cases in a frame of time is called case study

The team of PhD mentors have worked on several qualitative research projects and are aware of the nature of study they involve. When a scholar opts for assistance for qualitative research from Dissertation Help, the following benefits can be achieved:

Guidance is made available by people who have done their own research in the respective field. These writers are trained further to help with the data collection for the Qualitative Analysis process.

Time is saved as a result of using professional help. The writers are aware of where to focus, what to study and where to look for the information.

The document produced is of extremely good quality. It would help the scholar to get approval from the supervisor in the first attempt itself. Whatever be the type of qualitative analysis, the experts at Dissertation Help are well equipped to help, with research questionnaire, focus group interviews, sample selection and presentation of the report. Contact us and discuss the need with research experts, and get valuable guidance.

In the case of quantitative analysis, estimation theory can be applied. For a random data, estimation techniques are used to quantify the parameters from the data sample. The estimation can be point estimate or interval estimate. The point estimate is a single value of the parameter while in case of an interval estimate, the value of the parameter is said to lie within an interval. Statisticians use the concepts of confidence level to predict the precision of a sampling method.

The client can send the data bank to Dissertation Help in Asia, in case the data has already been collected. The team of experts will work on it. The greatest advantage is that the package is flexible and the client can opt for only analysis or data collection and data entry, as per the requirement. Contact Dissertation Help in Asia to discuss the project and work involved.